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Breaking in new tires on your motorcycle

Breaking in new tires

Today my son was moving my motorcycle into the garage with her brand new tires and the ground was a little wet. The back tire kicked out on him a little bit when he came around the corner because they were a little slippery. Fiona and my son are fine but I thought it would be a good blog post discussing why and what to do about it! Breaking in new tires on your motorcycle is an essential but often overlooked aspect of maintaining optimal riding performance and safety. Here's a detailed guide on why and how to properly break in your motorcycle tires.

Why Break in New Tires?

  1. Remove the Release Agent: New tires are coated with a release agent, a type of lubricant used during manufacturing to prevent the tires from sticking to their molds. This coating can make the tires slick when they are brand new. The break-in process helps to wear off this slippery layer, improving the tires' grip and stability.

  2. Increase Grip and Stability: Once the release agent is worn off, the tires start to offer more traction as the shiny and smooth initial surface is replaced by a rougher, grippier texture. This is crucial for safe handling, especially during turns.

  3. Even Wear: Gradual break-in helps the tires wear more evenly, which can extend their lifespan. Abrupt and aggressive riding on new tires can lead to uneven wear patterns and reduce the overall life of the tires.

  4. Safety: The initial 100 (I'm extra careful for more like 150 miles, oh wait I'm always careful) miles on your new tires are crucial for safety. New tires may react differently under braking and cornering. A proper break-in period allows you to get accustomed to the feel and response of your new tires in various riding conditions.

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What to Look for in a Motorcycle Helmet


Most states have laws that require the use of a helmet while riding a motorcycle, with very few states having no such regulations on the books. This means that, chances are, you’ll need to have a helmet on while you’re riding.

Of course, not all helmets are equally safe to use. Let’s discuss the features you’ll want to seek out in your helmet to keep yourself as protected as possible.


Riding your Motorcycle with a Group: How to Do It Safely

Riding your Motorcycle with a Group: How to Do It Safely

Group rides are a great time—not only are you doing something you love, you’re doing it with a group of equally passionate, like-minded peers and friends. With this in mind, it’s crucial that you follow the proper etiquette while you’re on this kind of ride.


Motorcycle Riding in Summer: How to Ride Cool in Hot Weather


There’s nothing quite like a ride in the summer, the warm sun balancing out the breeze of the open road. Of course, that isn’t to say that you don’t need to be mindful of just how warm that sun is, and how well you’re equipped to actually ride.


6 Tips to Avoid Pain, Cramps, And Aches While Riding Your Motorcycle

6 Tips to Avoid Pain, Cramps, And Aches While Riding Your Motorcycle

Getting out on the open road is an exhilarating experience… until you start feeling the miles as they go by. In order to keep these aches and pains from ruining your experience as a rider, we wanted to offer a few tips that can help greatly reduce them.


Using the SEE System for Road Safety

Using the SEE System for Road Safety

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a million times: while riding is a great and thrilling time, it's also something that requires you to pay a lot of attention to safety for both you and the others on the road. We wanted to take a few minutes to go over a system for riders to use to maintain a safe level of awareness, known as the SEE system.


Understanding New York’s Flawed SLEEP Act

20201012_175516-Recovere_20220519-043540_1 Are After Market Mufflers Still Legal?

On October 29, 2021, the New York State Stop Loud and Excessive Exhaust Pollution Act (or SLEEP Act) was signed into law by Governor Kathy Hochul. Let’s go over what this law establishes, and why—even without factoring in our bias as riders—it is a bad idea and implemented poorly.

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May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, But These Tips Always Apply

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, But These Tips Always Apply

Safety should be, above everything else, a rider’s first priority. While this month is officially the month to be especially aware of rider safety while out on the road, we wanted to review a few tips for other motorists to keep in mind while they are in their vehicles.


A Few Quick Tips for a Safer Ride

A Few Quick Tips for a Safer Ride

Riding is only fun if everyone gets home safely, so I wanted to very briefly share a few essential tips to help keep everyone safe.


5 Safety Tips for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

5 Safety Tips for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

May is here, and hopefully (but who knows with the weather here for those of us in Upstate New York) spring is in full swing—and with it, the weather should be consistently good enough for some rides. However, May is also important to riders for another reason… It's Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As we get back out on the roads, we wanted to reinforce some safety measures that we hope all of our fellow riders will follow.


The Essential Pre-Ride Checklist

The Essential Pre-Ride Checklist

It should come as no surprise that safety is a huge priority for our organization. After all, as fun as it is to get out there and ride, it can quickly become hazardous to you and those around you if your motorcycle isn’t in the condition it should be. To help prevent accidents, we recommend that you check out your bike before each ride for some key indicators of an issue.


Top 10 Motorcycle Songs on WALR 25.9 + 5 bonus tracks


Boy, these were hard to choose. There are really so many good songs, not all the songs on this list are my speed but they are cute or iconic. Something for everyone! 

WALR 25.9 is the American Legion Riders Post 259 fictitious radio station and no authority on the subject. So.. before we get started there are a couple of honorable mentions that didn't make the list. You may be upset they didn't make the list, so am I, but some of them I forgot about until the list was almost done. :) They are at the bottom, check them out.

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What is a "Dry Run" Motorcycle Ride?


DryRuns and DryRuns.org is not a part of the American Legion Riders. DryRuns.org is a separate initiative built to help all motorcycle organizations, promote responsible riding to save lives worldwide.

My name is Chris Chase, I am the Assistant Director of the American Legion Riders Post 259 in Oneonta, NY as well as the Assistant Director for New York State, District 5 & 6. I'm here to talk about "Dry Runs"!! Whew, what a controversy lately. I'm using this blog post to get my full thoughts down on this topic and to explain exactly what a "Dry Run" is at the time of this post. The reason I say "at the time of this post" is to note that this is something that will change and evolve. I am hoping to promote "Dry Runs" throughout the American Legion Rider Community Nationwide. We will be working with New York State Director Bob Wallace for the American Legion Riders and Julie Dostal who is a leading alcoholism and addictions expert in our area from LEAF (Leaf Council On Alcoholism | www.leaf.org) on developing the educational campaign and content for the public and Rider Chapters to use as they see fit. We've also developed an easy to recognize logo for the program. 


To Be Safe on the Road, You Need to Be Visible


We know we don’t have to tell you how exhilarating it can be to ride… we also shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous it has the potential to be. Studies have shown that this danger is largely due to other vehicles on the road. We want to make sure that anyone new or returning to riding know how to be best prepared to be as visible as possible to other vehicles on the road.


Spring is here! Get Road Ready with These Tips!


Traditionally, spring is the time we all commit to cleaning up our homes, garages and work spaces from the long winter months. Spring also means the roads are clearing up, so it's time to ride! After a long winter nap, your bike can use some springtime attention, too.

Below are some spring cleaning tips to help you get your ride ready to hit the open road!